Friday, April 13, 2012


People don’t half talk some rubbish on Facebook, and this is a theme I feel I’ll return to time and again. 

Today, Max Factor asked their followers what they’d stay up 24 hours for (I haven’t bothered to check, but this is probably some tenuous link to a lipstick that lasts for around 1440 minutes). Some of the answers were quite sensible or sweet (‘if my child was ill’ and that sort of thing). Others were just downright odd – and there’s a little run of them here (I’ve blurred their names to preserve their dignity). 

'Food': Either this woman’s been eating gruel her whole life and is willing to stay awake for the manna that is a Mars Bar, or she hasn’t cottoned onto the fact that you can open your fridge/cupboard at any time and have a snack (I’m assuming she has ready access to food and isn’t living in some Third World country, based solely on the fact that she’s on FB at 11 in the morning). She hasn’t specified what type of food either – it’s not like she’s said she’d be willing to hold out for a meal cooked by Gordon Ramsay. No, it’s just any old food that she’d stay up 24 hours for. She’s also missing a trick – because if you’re really hungry, it would actually be better to go to sleep, then just get up when the food’s ready. Or perhaps she means she’d stay awake for 24 hours in order to eat food the whole time. Honestly, she’s totally confused me.

'Long haul flight': This person needs to be told that ever since 1985 it's been legal to sleep on flights. They even give you a little pillow, a blanket and some snugly bed socks to help facilitate the process. Throw in a bit of gentle turbulence and the quiet purring of the engines, and sleep’s virtually guaranteed.

'A special thing ... not sure what though': This woman should be banned from FB. Basically, she hasn't had an idea worth contributing, yet she's wasted wall space anyway.

'Australia': The last time I asked, Australia said it didn’t require me to stay awake for it, and urged me to get a bit of shut eye. 

'To win something': Here you go – you’ve just won a bag of peanuts and a copy of the Metro.

But it's an interesting question ... what would I stay up 24 hours for? Here's for what Max Factor:

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